Police: Thief steals money from church in Westtown Township

Police are looking for a person who they say is wanted for stealing two collection boxes full of cash.

“If you look inside you see what looks like a crisp dollar bill there,” said Deacon Alfred Mauriello as he showed FOX 29's Shawnette Wilson a collection box he says is similar to two of the ones someone stole from St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Westtown Township.

“Sadness, sorrow for the people that did it that they can’t find an option because there’s certainly a lot of services in our community,” he said. Westtown East-Goshen Regional police say it happened sometime between 3 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 1 and 8 p.m. Dec. 2.

Sergeant Jonathan Stafford says whoever did it forced their way in through a window at the back of the church.

"Stole an undetermined amount of cash as well as two collection boxes," said Sergeant Stafford.

Police say earlier that day a parishioner noticed a man suspiciously at the collection box. It’s unclear if it's related to the theft.

“Approximately 5-foot-10, 200 pounds with long gray and white hair down to their shoulders attempting to open the box. He also had a long gray and white beard down to his chest,” said Sergeant Stafford. Police say that man left when he realized he'd been spotted.

Deacon Mauriello says the collection box is also known as the poor box for the less fortunate in the community.

“An option for people to reach in their pocket and pull the change out and put it in and you might find a penny you might find $100 bill. Whatever somebody feels motivated to give at that time,” he said.

Terry David came during adoration Tuesday evening and says she feels some compassion for the person responsible.

“The person must’ve really needed money and I just hope it wasn’t an addiction issue but it leads you to pray for the person involved in this,” she said.

Police don't know if the thief is a man or woman. They don't have many leads on this one and say there are no other reports of church break-ins in the area. The deacon we talked to says people can come to the church for help if they need it.

If you have any information, please call Detective Jason Diamond at jdiamond@wegopd.org, 610-455-6082. 


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