Police: Woman robbed at gunpoint in Southwest Philadelphia

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Police are investigating a gunpoint robbery in Southwest Philadelphia.

It was early in the morning on March 21st and snow was falling as surveillance cameras picked up the suspect stalking his victim on her way to work near 63rd and Greenway. Within a matter of seconds, police say the robber struck.

"He's walking across the street, you see him pull a gun out with his left hand. points the gun at her, pulled the purse from her," Lt. John Walker of Southwest Detectives told FOX 29.

"That's uh pretty shocking, especially for this neighborhood. In this area where a lot of people are walking around," Richard Lippo, a local business owner, said.

Investigators say the suspect took the 25-year-old woman's cell phone, ID, credit card, trans pass and $250 in cash, then took off.

"We have no other similar jobs in that community at this point, but his actions clearly should be things people don't want to tolerate," Lt. Walker explained.

Police believe the gunman,or possibly an accomplice, may have spotted the victim inside a local deli a block away, saw her put cash in her purse and followed her. Cameras inside the deli captured video of the suspect. Police say the victim never had a chance.

"This individual sees her--watches her--follows her," Lt.Walker explained.

"I really feel bad for her," Lippo told FOX 29.

Rich Lippo owns a business on Woodland Avenue. He was concerned for the robbery victim and worried this kind of crime could hurt the area.

"i'm kinda disappointed that this is happening. They cleaned up the drugs, they cleaned up the hookers--we really haven't had any problems around here,"Lippo added

"We know somebody in that neighborhood knows who he is. That's a deli where a lot of people hang out. People know one another. He's from the area," the lieutenant said.

According to .police, the suspect was wearing a tan colored jacket and is left-handed.

Neighbors told FOX 29 they believe this is the work of a team of suspects, targeting people who withdraw cash from ATMs inside these all night delis along Woodland Avenue.