Pontiac man's girlfriend admits to killing him, family calls her evil

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A Pontiac woman is accused of shooting and killing her boyfriend inside their home.

Police say Marita Talley called 911 saying her boyfriend was dead on the couch.

"She has arrest records in several states, aliases with different names," said the victim's aunt.

The family of 36-year-old William Bell of Pontiac says despite her lies, there is one truth.

"The only thing we know is she has ruined our family for life," the aunt said.

The Oakland county sheriff's office says Bell was sharing his home on Lydia Lane with 34-year-old Marita Talley, was found shot to death on his couch Friday morning.

Talley called 911, admitting to police what she'd done and waited on the porch to be arrested.

"When I met her I got the vibe the devil was all up on her," Bell's aunt said. "She was evil."

Bell's family requested their privacy, says Bell, who was a professional photographer, met Talley about two years ago. Talley told him she was homeless and Bell gave her a place to stay.

"That's the kind of person he was," said Bell's father. "He let her stay with him."

But Bell's family was immediately suspicious of Talley, who was homeless with a new Cadillac.

"Purses, very expensive boots, leather coats, wigs," Bell's father said. "She had about 50 wigs."

Bell's mother found documents with different names and birth dates, then learned of her violent past online.

"She had just got out of prison two months prior to that," said Bell's mother.

Court records showed Marita Talley had been charged in Waterford for felonious assault and then for assaulting a guard in prison.

William Bell's family says that about a week ago, Bell decided to break up with Talley.

"We were all sitting at the table and she said this is the last time I am going to see you guys," Bell's father said. "She gave us a hug and everything."

But five days later police broke the tragic news.

"They said your son - your oldest son, is dead," he said.

Police discovering a semi-automatic handgun lying on the couch next to Bell's body.

"The weapon that was used my nephew never had it loaded," his aunt said.

Bell's family says more than 15 rounds had been fired.

"She didn't have to kill him. she could've just left," his father said.

Talley is to be arraigned Tuesday morning as Bell's family must now plan this young man's funeral.

"I want her in prison," Bell's aunt said. "For as long as my nephew is resting in peace."