Pregnant woman finishes college exam from hospital bed

College students know that the year-end hustle is real, and one Missouri woman didn't skip a beat as she completed final exams from her hospital bed while in labor.

On Dec. 12, Nayzia Thomas shared a photo on Twitter of herself in the study zone, focusing on her laptop and a textbook, despite the fact that she was propped up in a hospital bed, in a gown, about to welcome her child into the world.

Better yet, the hardworking Johnson County Community College Kansas City student said though the dissociative identity project for her major's final wasn't yet due until later that week, she was determined to complete the assignment on time and avoid an "incomplete" grade.

"It wasn't due until the end of the week -- finals week is Dec. 11 to tomorrow -- but my goal was to try to have everything done before," Thomas told Yahoo Lifestyle. "[I thought] 'before all this gets crazy let me hurry up and finish this final'."

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