Pro-Palestinian protesters return to University of Pennsylvania campus

Renewed protests have started up again at the University of Pennsylvania, just hours after police moved in dismantling the encampment.

The group of pro-Palestinian supporters returned near the residence of the interim university president at 38th and Walnut streets.

They took their mainly peaceful protest north on 39th Street.


UPenn protest: 9 students among more than 30 arrested as police dismantle pro-Palestine tent encampment

More than 30 pro-Palestine protesters were arrested after police moved in and dismantled a tent encampment on UPenn's campus Friday morning.

As they made their way to Chestnut Street, they could seen clashing with police. No arrests were announced.

There were no details regarding who the protesters are, whether students or staff from the university left over from the encampment or newcomers.

The protesters began to congregate Friday night around 8:30 and police are monitoring their activity.

Officials confirm nine UPenn students were among 33 people arrested Friday morning as the encampment was broken up. The other 24 people had no affiliation to the university.

The protesters who set up the encampment last month have been calling for Penn to divest from Israeli interests amid the war with Gaza.