Recent rash of car break-ins has Fairmount residents upset, frustrated: 'They just bust windows'

Residents of Philadelphia’s Fairmount neighborhood are frustrated and fed up with a recent rash of car break-ins.

"It’s been happening a lot and it’s scary," Stacy Tobin stated. "It is scary cause is it going to escalate to other things?"

Thieves are busting car windows to get whatever they can, leaving glass in the street in their wake.

Tobin continued, "I came out today and saw one. It’s right here, right on my block. Right behind my car, actually. It’s really a shame. They just bust the windows. Now you have to pay hundreds of dollars to get it replaced."

Kate Round is also not happy about what’s happening. She lives a couple of blocks over, on Poplar. She says, "Parking is hard enough as it is, so having to worry about your car broken into. Obviously, it’s a hassle having things stolen – super frustrating – not feeling like your property is safe is obviously annoying."

Round believes the thieves are targeting Brown Street, near Corinthian, along the Eastern State Penitentiary, because there are no surveillance cameras. "I always try to park in front of a house, you know? I think it’s less likely to get broken into if I’m in front of a house, versus here, in front of the penitentiary. Nobody is going to have their Ring camera pointed here."

Longtime Fairmount resident, Merrill Mason, says her car was broken into and ransacked sometime Monday night into Tuesday morning. She’s actually glad she forgot to lock her doors. "Now I'm thinking, well maybe that's now actually the thing to do, because they can get in and see there's nothing of value, and then at least you don't end up with a broken window."

Mason reported it to police, but says they told her it’s difficult to catch the culprits unless they’re caught on camera or in the act. She adds, "It has me concerned and angry. You know who the hell is doing this?"

That is the million-dollar question. Residents are hoping police can catch whoever is responsible sooner than later.