Rep. Scott Perry faces tough crowd at town hall, talks healthcare and climate change

Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry marked a first tonight by holding a live town hall. He's the only Republican member of Congress from Pennsylvania to hold a live town hall since President Trump took office.

The Republican representative faced a feisty crowd as he fielded questions about healthcare and climate change near Harrisburg.

Constituents asked him about the GOP's plan to replace Obamacare.

Perry was clear that he opposes the current proposal.

The congressman was also asked about his support for President Trump amid controversial actions like his executive order on immigration.

"I actually tell some folks that are talking to me, frustrated or disappointed or dislike this president [that] if I close my eyes, it's the exact same conversation I heard for the first four years that I served in Congress but with a different name attached to it," Perry said.

Perry actually snapped at the 400-person crowd for not letting him answer the questions he was asked, before being interrupted by booing and screaming.
