SEPTA's Market-Frankford Line to get $317M facelift thanks to federal grant

SEPTA’s top official said a $317-million check handed to her today will help make the Market-Frankford line more reliable.

Early Wednesday afternoon on the Market-Frankford Line, trains ran 10 minutes late.

Late, often canceled trains are a constant complaint, and rider John Fortune said it’s not the only concern. 

"The homeless sleep on the train. Sometimes it stinks bad, sometimes the heat is on high," said Fortune. 

SEPTA admits there are problems on the Market-Frankford Line, but said lateness is often due to the 27-year-old cars on its tracks. 

An outsized, 317-million-dollar check from the federal government should help.


Shapiro's budget proposal makes 'major investment' in SEPTA

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said his administration is ready to make "a major investment in SEPTA" as part of an upcoming budget proposal. 

The Federal Transit Administrator, two days from retirement, stood in SEPTA’s rail yard with politicians and SEPTA’s boss to hand over the check part of the massive infrastructure bill approved in Washington.  

"This investment demonstrates the agency's commitment to improving everything transit should be safe, fast, frequent, reliable and accessible," said Maria Fernandez. 

SEPTA expects to award an 800-million-dollar contract for 200 new cars in June and have them five years later.  

Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker called out to riders. "Listen to me," she said. "You deserve to be on a safe and clean mass transit system, and this will help."

PA. Senator John Fetterman said he had not heard concerns about safety and reliability, but called the money "an amazing investment."

SEPTA’s boss said the agency is working to improve the line as the federal money flows.
