Shocking cancer diagnosis sparks friendship bracelet fundraiser, brings two best friends closer together
Girl uses friendship bracelets to help best friend diagnosed with Osteosarcoma
Two best friends, both named Ava were already inseparable, but after Ava L. received shocking news of a rare bone cancer diagnosis, her bestie Ava D. sprung into action raising money for her through friendship bracelets.
Wynnewood, P.a. - Two best friends, both named Ava were already inseparable, but after Ava L. received shocking news, her bestie Ava D. sprung into action.
Ava D. and Ava Levin first met at sleepaway camp and after staying in the same bunk, the two instantly clicked, keeping in touch beyond just summers. They go by Ava squared.
"They just sit and giggle together and they just understand each other in a way that a lot of friendships aren’t built," said Missy Levin, Ava L's mom.
Ava L. would spend over 20 hours a week in gymnastics, but despite a busy schedule, the two make time for each other.
"We would call like every night for like 5 hours so we always stayed very close," said Ava D.
"Whenever I'm having a bad day I know I can call her, and she will make it better," said Ava L.
However, this year Ava L. received shocking news.
"I was starting to get a lot of pains in my shoulder," said Ava L.
That pain turned out to be an Osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer.
"I think people talk about a broken heart and I think you learn that your child has cancer and your heart changes, it is never the same," said Missy Levin.
Quickly, Ava started an intense chemotherapy regimen, living at CHOP for 7 months of treatment and going through limb salvage surgery.
"Use of her arm will be limited, but there was a time that we thought she was going to have to remove her arm," said Missy Levin.
The diagnosis came as a shock to everyone in her life, including her best friend.
"Ever since I knew Ava had cancer I knew I wanted to help," said Ava D. "I was like so devastated by this."
Therefore, Ava D sprung into action and decided to make and sell friendship bracelets and donate the proceeds to Make It Better Agent (MIB Agent) an organization dedicated to funding research for osteosarcoma.
Meanwhile, Ava L. continued treatment.
"It was very like constant chemo, it wasn’t like chemo and then a break it was non stop," said Ava L.
In the meantime, Ava D kept making bracelets and checking in with her bestie.

Image of bracelet on Ava L.'s hand made to raise money for Make It Better Agents
"I would make sure to send her a text every week or a call even if there was no response" said Ava D.
Once the funds started coming in, Ava made over $2000 and when people asked the Levins how they could help, they asked for people to donate to fund research with MIB.
"The thought of Ava D doing this on her own and stringing bracelets to raise money was so overwhelming to me"
They have raised $58,000 for Make It Better Agents and hope to keep going.
Now, that Ava has completed her treatments, she and doctors will continue to monitor her progress.
"I hope when they see the bracelet they just remember that childhood cancer is such a horrible disease and that it affects kids even after they beat cancer and that we really need better research and funding," said Ava L.