Solebury police warn of cheating spouse scam

"I know you cheated on your wife so you better send money." That is the essence of the newest scam that Solebury Township police are warning the community about.

Tricia Geoghegan is surprised by the latest scam Solebury police are warning people about after someone got a letter targeting alleged cheaters.

"It also plays on a very interesting angle that they got a 50/50 shot that there's someone out there cheating."

It's similar to a scam that hit several people in Lower Merion last year, according to police.
One letter claims to be from an investigator with evidence that you cheated on your wife and says you better pay $2,000 to keep it a secret or else.

"Basically, you go to law enforcement, they have a bin filled all the way overflowing. You can't track these people."

IT expert Anthony Mongeluzo says whether it's by email or snail mail many of these scams happen because people put too much information on social media. He says don't say so much online and investigate any suspicious communications.
