Spectators gather outside Cosby's Elkins Park home as he returns home

A quiet scene outside the Cosby compound in Elkins Park tonight but just a few hours earlier a flurry of on-lookers hoping to catch a glimpse of the disgraced comedian, actor, author and musician. SkyFOX caught Bill Cosby coming home after a jury this afternoon found him guilty on all three counts of aggravated indecent assault.

Leroy West says he lives near Bill Cosby and wanted to show his support.

"I was trying to get a glimpse of him. I know the man, I walk my dog, stop and talk to him so I was hoping to get a glimpse of him before he went in the house but I missed him," said West who says he still believes Cosby is innocent and adds that everyone makes mistakes.

"I really don't like it. I think it's wrong to be honest. Something that happened 30 years ago I don't think he did what they say he did. I just think he had fun. I love the man and a lot of people still do," said West. Moments after Cosby entered his house our cameras captured his spokesperson Andrew Wyatt emerge to hug someone outside.

"At the end of the day in all the stuff that he did he still did some good stuff," said Dawn Little. She and other Cosby supporters weighed in from his neighborhood tonight.

"It's people of a different caliber of that are getting ridiculed for much worse things and they don't get justice," said Shakyrah Barnett. Troy Burgess said, "Bill Cosby is an icon. He's done a lot for the community and a lot for the city. I just think for somebody to bring up something so late then all of a sudden just make a verdict I think it's just sad really."

There were only a few people in the area who told us that justice was served and that they believe Cosby is guilty. They did not want to give those comments on camera.


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