Supports swells for Chester County high school to drop mascot some consider offensive

A Chester County high school is feeling a strong push to change its mascot that many argue is an offensive characterization of Native Americans. 

More than 50 people showed up to a meeting Tuesday night and many joined online as Twin Valley High School Senior Arden Wolfe continued her two-year campaign to switch the school's ‘Raider’ mascot. 

"It just kind of portrays harmful stereotypes of Native Americans," Wolfe said. "I think it is really important to represent Native Americans in a good way and not use people as mascots."

She isn't alone, Wolfe has collected thousands of signatures on an online petition that moves to upend the Raider namesake and the imagery associated with it. 

A Twin Valley High School Senior is leading the charge to get the school's Raider mascot changed.

Superintendent Patrick Winters said the school is receptive to Wolfe's movement, but he doesn't think it's right to address during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

"To attempt to do it right now and give it due diligence, as we are coming out of a pandemic, learning needs to be a priority," Winters said. 

Meanwhile, Donna Fann-Boyle of the Coalition of Natives & Allies said the term ‘Raider’ is "an insult, not an honor."

Ultimately, the board did not vote on the proposed name change Tuesday night and said they have no plans to. Still, Wolfe and her supporters said they will continue their push at future board meetings.



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