Temple University student studying abroad covers death of Queen Elizabeth II

Students at Temple University Klein College of Media and Communication had the opportunity to broadcast a special report with live coverage from London with a student studying abroad.

His name is Chris Berger and he’s a senior studying abroad in Rome this semester.

"I felt the weight of the story because it’s a very important story. Everybody in the world knows the Queen. So, for me to be tasked with telling that story for Temple, it was crazy," said Berger.

Berger said his friends and producers at Temple University Television reached out to him after the Crown announced the Queen’s condition was getting worse.

Soon after, he received the phone call to pack his bags and fly to London on Friday morning to provide an international live report.


"I think that him being on the ground in London from [Friday] morning really helped us to add the emotions people were feeling to our scripts, to our broadcast," said Supervising Producer Porter Deacon of Temple Update. "I mean, it’s one of the most historic events that we’ll probably ever see in our lifetimes.  We hit a few hiccups on the way, but you know we pulled through and I’m glad that we were able to get him on air."

Back at the studios of Temple University TV, students who produced the special report on Friday afternoon said this was one of their biggest assignments.

"It’s a sad moment, so trying to portray that in a professional manner was at the height of, at least, my writing," said Producer Olivia Benner of Temple Update. "I wanted to make sure people understood this is a big, big moment. This is probably the only matriarch that we’ll see in our lifetime."

Associate Professor Paul Gluck, who is also the General Manager of Temple University TV, said he’s proud of his students for investing their time, energy and intelligence to create a professional account of one the biggest moments this century.

"It’s interesting, I’ve seen so many professional reporters be told, ‘Go there right now, walk into a room, be handed the mic and be ready to be on television.’ That’s sort of the experience that [Berger] had," said Gluck. "I think that they have a complete grasp of what it takes to help other people understand the power, the importance, the pain, the sheer emotion of the story."

As for Berger, he said it was important for him to not only convey the sadness but also the transition of power underway.

"You can feel a sadness as you get into the city and I did," said Berger. "I took the train into the city into Paddington Station, which is one of the biggest stations in London, and it just kind of felt dull and quiet. People were definitely mourning. Later in the day, there was sort of a transition from mourning the Queen, to being excited for the new King."