Traffic signs outside Montgomery County Home Depot has motorists shaking their heads

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Traffic signs outside a Montgomery County home improvement store are causing motorists to scratch their heads and grammar police to say "huh?"

One sign sits attached to a nearly toppled stop sign at the side entrance to the Home Depot store on Alan Wood Road in Conshohocken. It warns motorists that "incoming traffic has right away." Right away. Right away? It should be "Right of way," right?

Whoever made the sign made two of the because the one outside the contractors' entrance of the store features the same mistake.

It was corrected with a "o-f" sticker over the A from "away."

The funny thing is this mistake is easy to overlook because it SOUNDS right: Right of way. Right away. But it's not right. It's wrong.

"What a mess!" one woman told FOX 29's Bruce Gordon when she was shown the sign. "Why has action not been taken?"

A good question, which is why Gordon went into the store through the "exit" sign-- looking for answers.

No answers there, so Gordon called corporate media relations, which emailed a response late Monday afternoon: "We checked on this and these aren't our signs."

So whose are they?

The parking lot owner?

The township?


An illiterate prankster?

Gordon believes the signs should be replaced, "right away." However, someone has apparently already tried. The sign at the contractors' entrance has an "o-f" sticker placed over the "a" from "away."

One man who saw the after-market fix said, "Somebody has Sharpied it in (the right word) and I guess it washed off since then, but it's funny in many ways."

Probably not to the sign-maker's boss.