'Walk-up Wednesdays': Philadelphia hosts three walk-up COVID-19 vaccine clinics for people 65+
Philadelphia coronavirus cases rise as more are able to get vaccine
Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley joined Good Day Philadelphia to talk the new data for coronavirus cases coming from Pennsylvania and New Jersey and how it affects the rising cases in the city as well as the new eligibility for vaccines.
PHILADELPHIA - A day after President Joe Biden directed states to make all adults vaccine eligible by April 19, Philadelphia Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley said it's getting "a little bit easier each week" for city residents to get the crucial shot.
The Health Department has supplemented the FEMA-run mega site at the Pennsylvania Convention Center with a number of smaller mass vaccination clinics around the city over the past several months. Dr. Farley on Good Day Philadelphia said the city is up to 230 enrolled vaccine providers with plans for further expansion.
On Wednesdays, the city will host three walk-up vaccination sites for people 65+ between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., according to Farley. The 'walk-up Wednesday' clinics will be in North Philadelphia, Northeast Philadelphia and West Philadelphia.

Philadelphia has three clinics offering walk-up appointments to anyone 65+
Another federally supported vaccination clinic will open Friday in Hunting Park at Esperanza, Inc on the 4200 block of North 5th Street. Offical said the site will have the capacity to deliver 1500–2,500 vaccinations per day.
"This new vaccination center is particularly important because it will allow us to better reach under-vaccinated populations, particularly residents of color in Franklinville and surrounding communities," May Jim Kenney said.

Health officials recently on Monday will expand vaccine eligibility to all of Phase 1C, which includes sanitation workers, maintenance and janitorial staff, utility workers, and postal and package delivery workers. Most people who cannot work remotely, like transportation workers, media members and social service workers, are also included in Phase 1C.
People 65+, healthcare workers, long-term care staff, and residents remain vaccine eligible as the city's stockpile of doses grows. Dr. Farley urged anyone who is vaccine eligible, especially those at high-risk, to get their shot now before the city opens enrollment to all people 16 and over on April. 19.
Philadelphians are asked to practice patience when limits are pulled on vaccine eligibility in less than two weeks. Dr. Farley noted that just because a person is eligible does not mean they will get an appointment without waiting. He said the best step for people looking to get a shot to take is to enroll on the city's waitlist or call 311.
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