Wilmington hosts family-friendly block party to help strengthen community outreach

A Delaware community gathered Thursday for the welcomed return of a sorely missed outlet of summertime fun for kids and teens alike. 

"Play Streets," hosted in Wilmington, is a free event that closes down select streets for families and friends to partake in activities and sports. 

Organizers launched Play Streets in 2018, but they were forced to pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Organizers and parents say families need these community events, especially at a time when crime is up in cities across the country.  

"It's definitely important for them to understand that they are safe in their communities, to come outside and have fun," Parent and Community Advocate Marlise Carr said.

Basketball, hula-hoop, golf, jump rope and skateboarding were just a few of the activities that children and teens played in the first of eight planned block parties. 

"We have a responsibility to the community, we have to step up more into community partner - collaborate with no fear - because we move in spirit of love," Rashid Mustafa said. 

A full list of Play Street dates and locations have been posted on the City of Wilmington's social media pages. 
