Wilmington surpasses 2017 gun violence record

Wilmington set a new record over the weekend for the number of gun violence victims.

The city's 50% increase in juvenile shooting incidents has Mayor Mike Purzycki "troubled by the continued increases in gun violence," according to a statement. He adds the city’s commitment to improving neighborhoods and initiating a support services program.

Pastor Derek Johnson’s Joshua Harvest Church holds services at Congo Funeral Home at 24th and Market.  He steps into situations to keep kids from making decisions that’ll ruin their lives. He learned how the hard way by redeeming his own.

"What I inspire them to do may change the trajectory of their very life. They can leave where they are and that’s the benefit of having somebody that is just not a hair club member, but they’re the president. Somebody that’s been there and indeed somebody that God has raised it to do that," he said.

Bonnie Reading White lost her great-grandson.  Bonnie was in court earlier Monday. The agony is astounding she says especially since that family is close to her own.

"Because I’ve been through all these things. The Lord has showed me that my life is for ministry. To be able to help somebody else to realize that what they’ve been through? That they can come through, too," she said.


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