Youth football team raising money after equipment stolen in Southwest Philadelphia

A youth football league in Southwest Philadelphia is down and out after its equipment was stolen just two weeks before the start of the fall season.

"We have a major mountain to climb right now," said Tom Jones, president of the Wolves Youth Athletic Association.

The kids are ready for practice at McCreesh Receation Center, but have no equipment to make it happen.

"We don't understand why someone would do this to the children," said parent Shay Jackson. "They don't deserve it."

On Wednesday night, thieves allegedly broke into the team's trailer located a few miles from its practice field. The trailer was trashed, and the equipment--helmets, uniforms, shoulder pads, tables and grills--was stolen.

Now, parents are scrambling to replace what was stolen, worth upwards of $10,000.

Still, players are trying to keep their spirits up.

"We have to think positive, not negative, about what happened," said player Karounda Keita. "We have to keep going."

Those interested in donating to the team's fundraising efforts can do so here.
