Franco Harris: Players in my day would have 'dealt with' anthem protesters

NFL Hall of Famer, and Fort Dix, New Jersey native, Franco Harris says national anthem protests would not have been tolerated in his day.

In an interview with Mediate, Harris was asked about NFL players refusing to stand for the national anthem, a demonstration that was started last season by Colin Kaepernick to protest police brutality and racial inequality.

During the 2017 NFL preseason, other players like the Seattle Seahawks' Michael Bennett and the Oakland Raiders' Marshawn Lynch had similar protests of their own.

Harris said that America certainly has social issues that must be dealt with, but Kaepernick and other players should find a different platform for their protests. Harris went on to say that the team must come first, and coaches and teammates in his day would have confronted Kaepernick over his protest.

"We had two of the meanest guys in football, who I think would've dealt with it that way, and that would've been Joe Greene and Jack Lambert," Harris said.

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