Study: Men more excited for Valentine's Day than women
Preston and Steve join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss the study that found men are more excited for Valentine's Day than women.
Kahlua paying couples $25K to ditch technology for 30 days
FOX 29's Shaynah Ferreira and Bill Anderson discuss Kahlua's pricey move.
How much privacy do you think your kid should have?
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Karen Hepp, and Thomas Drayton discuss how much privacy a child should have.
Study: Leaving parties without saying goodbye saves up to 2 days a year
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss the proper protocol for leaving a party after a study revealed leaving without saying goodbye could save up to 2 days a year.
Gifting clothes to kids for Christmas
FOX 29's Jenn Fred and Bill Anderson discuss whether or not one should gift clothes to kids for Christmas.
Mom defends hiring overnight postpartum doula to watch newborn
FOX 29's Bill Anderson and Karen Hepp discuss a controversial subject.
Gifting clothes to kids for Christmas
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss whether or not clothes should be gifted to children on Christmas.
Top compliments that men hate
Preston & Steve join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss the top compliments that men hate.
Survey: Wrapping gifts is the worst part of the holidays
FOX 29's Karen Hepp and Sue Serio discuss the worst part of the holidays.
High road vs. low road: Conversation clapbacks during the holidays
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss various ways conversations can go during the holidays.
Study: Too many cell phone notifications can stress people out
FOX 29's Bill Anderson and Jenn Fred discuss how cell notifications can be stressful.
Study: 55% of Americans believe their life is worth becoming a book, movie
FOX 29's Bill Anderson and Mike Jerrick discuss whether or not their lives should be a movie or a book.
Survey: A third of Americans count on their uncle to be drunkest at holiday gatherings
Preston & Steve join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss a recent survey that suggests a third of Americans expect their uncle to be the drunkest at holiday gatherings.
Mom refuses to attend daughter's wedding because she's in love with daughter's fiancé
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss a very juicy story about a mom who won't attend her daughter's wedding because she's in love with her fiancé.
Is your life story worthy of a book?
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss whether their lives are worthy of a book.
What's the worst place to be stuck?
FOX 29's Bill Anderson and Mike Jerrick discuss where the worst place to be stuck at is.
People who sleep naked get higher quality sleep, survey finds
Preston & Steve join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss a survey that suggests that people who sleep naked receive higher quality sleep.
Americans see engagement as a time to 'try out' the relationship
FOX 29's Alex Holley, Mike Jerrick, and Karen Hepp discuss American engagement traditions.
How many condiments do you put on a sandwich?
Good Day Philadelphia gets to the bottom of condiment usage.
Study: Men are just as emotional as women
Preston & Steve join Good Day Philadelphia to discuss a new study that suggests men are just as emotional as women.