Jefferson Hospital Shooting: Officer injured in gunfight with Stacey Hayes released from hospital

A Philadelphia police officer who was injured during a gunfight with a man accused of shooting and killing a co-worker at Jefferson University Hospital earlier this month was released from the hospital on Wednesday.

Officer Arcenio Perez was hit in the arm with a rifle round when he and three other officers were allegedly fired upon by Stacey Hayes in the schoolyard of School of the Future on the 3800 block of Lansdowne Drive, according to investigators. 


Authorities say Hayes, 55, entered the hospital around midnight wearing scrubs and a mask and carrying a bag of guns. Hayes walked past several people on his way to the 9th floor where police say he shot 43-year-old Anrae James six times. James, a 20-year nurse assistant at Jefferson and father of three, was pronounced dead just after 1 a.m.

After fleeing the hospital in a UHaul truck, 16th district officers found Hayes around 1:30 a.m. firing a rifle in the schoolyard of School of the Future, according to investigators. 

Officers Arcenio Perez, Edwin Perez, Douglas Miller and Raymond Delgiudice ordered Hayes to drop the weapon before he turned the gun on police and began shooting. Officer Arcenio Perez, 30, was hit once in the right arm and Officer Edwin Perez, 32, was grazed in the nose during the gunfight. 

Officer Edwin Perez, a 7-year veteran, was treated for his injuries at Penn Presbyterian and has since been released from the hospital. Arcenio Perez required additional treatment, including surgery, on his injured arm. 

Police eventually shot Hayes twice in the collarbone and he was brought to Penn Presbyterian Hospital in critical condition. He faces charges of murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault and related crimes. 

Nine days after the gun battle, a host of Philadelphia police officers greeted Officer Perez as he left the hospital in a wheelchair and was escorted away in a police crusier.

"We salute P/O Perez & his brave @PPD16Dist coworkers, and wish him & his family the best as his recovery continues," Commissioner Outlaw said in a tweet.



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