Philadelphia DA: Man charged with rape after girl, 13, sexually assaulted on her way to school

Quadir H. Jones

A suspected rapist is in custody for the sexual assault of a 13-year-old girl after two girls became victims of sexual assault on their way to school this week, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's office. 

Quadir H. Jones, 23, is charged with rape, kidnapping, robbery, sexual assault, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, unlawful contact with a minor and related offenses.

Officials say the 13-year-old victim had just exited the SEPTA station at Broad and Race streets on Friday when she was approached by Jones, who told her he had a gun, forced her into a parking garage stairway, and sexually assaulted her.

After the assault, police say the suspect walked with the victim towards her school, where she was able to report the sexual assault.

Prior to the assault, the suspect allegedly took the girl's phone, only giving it back when she provided her number. Jones later called and texted the victim, according to the DA's office. 

Detectives were able to track the suspect's location through his phone number, and take him into custody later that day.


Philadelphia police told reporters during a press conference Friday that they were also able to recover surveillance images of the suspect walking with the victim.

Friday's incident comes just 24 hours after a 15-year-old girl was also sexually assaulted on her way to school. Police say the girl was getting off the SEPTA train at 8th Street when a suspect tried to sexually assault her. He then followed her to the street, where he forced her into an apartment in the area and successfully sexually assaulted her.

Police say they are not ruling that one person may be responsible to both incidents, but currently have no evidence to indicate a possible connection.