Temple's faculty union votes no confidence in 2 members of university leadership

More than one thousand members of Temple University's Faculty Union have voted "No Confidence" in Provost Gregory Mandel and Board of Trustees Chair Michell Morgan. 

The union took the vote in response to concerns about how Temple University has been handling growing issues on campus. 

The main concern among the union is the safety of students due to increasing violence on and around Temple's embattled North Philadelphia campus. 

The union said the resignation of former President Jason Wingard in late-March hasn't been enough to resolve the problems facing the university. 

"There are some very specific and concrete steps the university can take right now that will help rebuild the trust between those who make Temple work and those who are running the show," Temple Association of University Professionals Jeffery Doshna said at a Monday rally. 

The vote is largely symbolic, since the union alone does not have the authority to fire anyone. FOX 29 reached out to Temple University for comment and has not heard back.