Utility pole causing stir in South Philly neighborhood due to unusual placement

Take a good look at this unassuming street corner in the middle of South Philly - notice anything out of the ordinary?

A utility pole is standing right in the middle of a sidewalk ramp at the corner of 13th and Dickinson streets.

The pole's position blocks all handicap accessibility, as well as any strollers or carts trying to get by.

The corner sits right outside Ippolito’s Seafood, which is not open to customers. An employee tells FOX 29 the sidewalk was redone in recent weeks, and they too need a working ramp.

"It’s a pedestrian neighborhood, so we need these sorts of things to work," said Kevin McGuinness, who has lived in South Philadelphia for seven years. "It’s hilarious it doesn’t work, but it’s also really sad and concerning."

Kaitlin Cullen says she noticed the sidewalk was being repaired and liked to see it fixed up, but not sacrificing safety or access.

"I’m glad they’re at least trying to put in ramps because there’s a lot of curbs that don’t, but, if you’re going to go to the effort to do this, it doesn’t actually help the people you’re trying to help if you’re putting obstacles in the way," she said.

Previous photos of the corner from several years ago, viewed by FOX 29, show the utility pole in the same spot, but a ramp right next to it instead. Now, that portion of the sidewalk is raised, and the only ramp at the corner is blocked by the pole.

Some neighbors feel the responsibility should fall on the city, as the pole has been there for decades, according to neighbors.

A spokesperson for the Streets Department says the concern was shared with the department, they are aware, and will get in touch with the utility company to assess.

"I’m surprised no one considered that when they were building it, so I guess they were just trying to get a job done?" said Kosi Dunn. "I’m just thinking of my Grandma, she gets around on one of those motorized wheelchairs, and so she wouldn’t be able to use that."


Google Map photos of the street corner show the pole in the same spot in 2018 and 2019.

However, a ramp that once existed on the other side is now gone, leaving the only remaining ramp completely blocked.

Was it a mistake in planning? FOX 29 is still waiting to hear back from the city.