Weather Authority: Dangerous heat remains in place Thursday

We don’t need to emphasize how hot it is in the Delaware Valley, as an official fifth heat wave is in the record books.

FOX 29’s Kathy Orr says Wednesday night will continue to be warm, with lows only dropping into the mid 70’s, with humidity to match, so not much in the way of relief overnight. Most of the region is under a Severe Thunderstorm Watch until 9 p.m. Storms will not bring relief, however.

Thursday threatens to be even hotter, with a higher heat index then Wednesday, dangerously hot, feeling as if it is in the triple digits by 4 p.m. The National Weather Service has issued an excessive heat warning for most of southeastern Pennsylvania and central New Jersey. Counties in southern New Jersey and most of Delaware remain under a heat advisory.

Kathy Orr urges heat safety, such as if you must walk the dog, do it early in the morning, drink a lot of water and stay inside in air conditioning as much as possible.

Should you have to be outdoors for prolonged periods, know the signs of heat exhaustion. This includes:

  • Feeling faint or dizzy
  • Excessive sweating
  • Cool, pale, clammy skin
  • Rapid, weak pulse
  • Muscle cramps

Anyone exhibiting any of these warning signs, get to a cool, air conditioned place, drink water or take a cool shower or use cold compresses.

Friday’s heat indices will be worse than Thursday, so take care to stay cool.

Relief will hopefully arrive by the weekend.

Earlier Wednesday evening, severe thunderstorms rolled through parts of the Delaware Valley. As the storms moved in, an impressive shelf cloud moved over Philadelphia, with a menacing look.

An impressive shelf cloud moving over Citizens Bank Park, associated with a severe thunderstorm.

Shot of an impressive shelf cloud as a severe thunderstorm approached Citizens Bank Park. (Jason Martinez)


WEDNESDAY NIGHT: Warm, humid. Low: 77

THURSDAY: Hot, humid. High: 97, Low: 79

FRIDAY: Hottest yet. High: 98, Low: 76

SATURDAY: Chance of storms. High: 87, Low: 67



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