Amazon Prime Day: Police offer these tips to prevent package thefts

Close-up of logo for Amazon Prime service on the side of a branded delivery truck in San Ramon, California; Amazon announced that it would hire thousands more delivery drivers to increase 1 day shipping options beginning in 2019, July 12, 2019. (Phot

With Amazon Prime Day comes mounds of packages sitting at your door - a welcome sight for porch pirates!

Local police are asking residents to stay vigilant as the deliveries start to pile up in the coming days.

The Cherry Hill Police Department offered these safety tips to help "keep your packages in the condition they arrived in."

  • Track your packages and use delivery alerts
  • Bring packages inside as soon as they are delivered
  • Have high value deliveries sent to a secure pickup location, or require a signature
  • If you're away, ask a trusted neighbor to move your packages out of sight

"As always, be alert of your surroundings and if you see something, please contact the police."