Controversial recess changes reversed after upset parents pack school meeting in Bucks County

A win for parents in Bucks County after their school district suddenly reverses a controversial policy to revamp recess just days after the start of the new school year.

"My son came home on Thursday and he told me he was stuck on one part of the playground," parent Jade Thomas said. "He couldn’t even go on the jungle gym and he was stuck playing soccer for 30 minutes."

Thomas almost teared up describing how sad her 9-year-old son was during newly enacted structured recess at Willow Dale Elementary School in Warminster.

Thomas continued, "That really upset me because I felt like they were taking a freedom away from my child and he should be able to spend 30 minutes of his day to calm down, take a break."

More than 100 parents packed the gym to voice concerns over children were being separated by class, being asked to participate in certain activities and parents never got a heads-up about the change.

"I think there was a mistake made with the communication, but I think principal took our concerns to heart," Corrie Torres stated.

FOX 29 cameras were not allowed into the meeting, but the principal explained it was being done for the safety and well-being of students as a result of recess challenges and behavior issues. The school board reviewed the changes after many complaints from parents, finding it was not in compliance with district policy and announcing recess 

"It goes to show when parents get involved and they fight for their children, they can get their points across," Torres said. "I’m happy with the outcome of the meeting."

One father, Bob Horvath, said he learned about the structured recess from his two young boys who were very upset they couldn’t play with their friends, but is glad it was quickly addressed. "I understand safety is foremost, but kids are being kids. Let the kids have fun. Things will happen, but hire more people if they need it."

The elementary school only has an average of nine recess monitors on any given day, with 12 being ideal. School officials are inviting parents to get the proper clearance and volunteer to make sure recess is fun and safe for everyone.