Calling all lifeguards: Philadelphia offering swim lesson in desperate search for lifeguards

It may be close to freezing right now, but in a few short months, temperatures will start to rise and families will flock to nearby pools for relief.

Philadelphia is in a race against the clock when it comes to its lifeguard shortage across the city.

Last year, 21 of more than 70 free outdoor public pools remained closed because they were short 150 lifeguards.

The city is hoping to hire more than 400 this year, and are making it as easy as possible to qualify - you don't even have to know how to swim!


Swim lessons are available for all applicants, you just have to be 16 or older.

"We’re Parks and Recreation, that's what we do," said Deputy Commissioner Bill Salvatore.

Once you're ready, the city will take you through a lifeguard screening test and get you certified.

To pass the test, lifeguards must swim 12 laps non-stop, tread water for 2 minutes and retrieve a 10-pound brick from a 12-foot pool.

And just like that, you could have a summer job that pays $16-18 an hour!

To apply, visit Philadelphia's website.
